The Music App (Mad II Project)
- Tech Stack: Flask, Vue.js, Python, Celery, Redis, JWT, Flask Session, Flask Restful API
- Github URL: Project Link
- Presentation Video: Watch the Video
The Music App is a modern music streaming application developed as part of the Modern Application Development II (Mad II) course. The project was recognized as the best project in the course for its innovative features and user-friendly design. It allows users to listen to music, read lyrics, and contribute as creators by uploading song lyrics and albums.
Certificate of Achievement:


- Python 3.10
- Node.js
- Redis
Follow the instructions in the GitHub repository to set up and run the Music App.
Users can enjoy listening to music and reading lyrics. Creators can contribute by uploading song lyrics, albums, etc.
Flask, Vue.js, Python, Celery, Redis, JWT, and other technologies.